Safer Driver Driving School Geelong is the
Affordable Driving School
And we’ve been providing Driving Lessons since 1980!

Driving Lessons that are Affordable
Some driving schools offer cheap driving lessons but they don’t use experienced driving instructors that know how to help you pass the VicRoads Drivers Test. An affordable driving school like Safer Driver Driving School will.
Claiming you have the Cheapest Driving Lessons in Geelong doesn’t mean a lot if you don’t actually gain the confidence you need to pass your driver’s test. The cost of driving lessons won’t matter. Learning to drive takes patience and care, and that’s what we provide.
Automatic transmission driving lessons are $75 for a 60 minute lesson.
We’ll book a driving test for you, which only costs $280 – that includes a driving lesson, so we can brush up on some last minute details, and make you feel relaxed going into the driver’s test.
Driving Lessons
$75 for 60 min lesson
Driving Test
60 min lesson and test: $280
(Note – these prices do not include VicRoads costs)
“You are a legend Zed.
Thanks heaps for the lessons and everything you have taught me.
I’m the happiest 18 year old alive.”
Book a Lesson at the most Affordable Driving School in Geelong
Call 0408 593 055